Lawyers network
Activities in commercial law and distribution law require specialist knowledge and familiarity with the latest court rulings in this area.
Commercial law comprises in particular general commercial law and the law of sale and purchase, and company law. Distribution law governs the legal relations applicable to commercial agents, brokers and dealers, and franchising.
The law partnerships with whom we cooperate here have been active for many years in these areas of law, and enjoy a reputation of great expertise in expert circles, with professional associations and with the courts.
The objective of this cooperation network, established in 1998, is to provide clients with the specialist lawyers they need for counselling or for conduct of legal proceedings in the Federal Republic of Germany (and before long in all EU Member States), so as to ensure rapid, competent and effective representation of their interests.
This cooperation network ensures that clients can benefit from the support of the relevant specialist legal experts to represent their interests both locally and before courts in other regions/countries.
It provides a framework for continuous consultation and exchange of experience between the Joint Venture partners with respect to ongoing and concluded cases, and on unpublished court decisions related to commercial and distribution law, so as to ensure optimal representation of the client.
Further information on this cooperation network is available from the following website: